United Ethanol News

May Operation Notes

In the first Quarter of 2024, United Ethanol took in and ground nearly 5.2 million corn bushels to produce our products. This includes over 15 million gallons of ethanol, just under 35,000 tons of dried distillers grains, and over 4 million pounds of corn oil. We had steady operations during our first quarter this year. In January, we had an extremely cold stretch, working through freezing temperatures and natural gas curtailments. Overall, we had around three days of production slippage, which was normal for our plant.


Greeting from the CEO

According to U.S. officials, drivers in eight Midwestern states will be able to fuel up with a higher blend of ethanol throughout the year under a final rule announced Thursday by the Environmental Protection Agency.

The biofuels industry and farming groups, with support of Midwest governors, sought the end of a summertime ban on sales of gasoline blended with 15% ethanol for years. The higher blend has been prohibited because of concerns it could worsen smog during warm weather.


November Operation Notes

We are already into Fall Harvest and the Milton Ethanol Plant is on track to finish the calendar year strong with target goals of 60mgy of fuel ethanol and profitable margins. As of the end of October we shipped over 51 million gallons of denatured ethanol. We sold over 15 million pounds of corn oil and over 115 thousand tons of DDGS to-date 2023.


Greeting from the CEO

The summer drought has given way to the fall harvest. Even with the tough growing season, expectations are still high for decent yields and good-quality corn to be harvested. The week of October 23rd kept Wisconsin farmers out of the field for much of the week, but it did help replenish soil moisture levels. USDA says topsoil moisture is now rated at 16% surplus and 71% with adequate moisture.