November Operation Notes

We are already into Fall Harvest and the Milton Ethanol Plant is on track to finish the calendar year strong with target goals of 60mgy of fuel ethanol and profitable margins. As of the end of October we shipped over 51 million gallons of denatured ethanol. We sold over 15 million pounds of corn oil and over 115 thousand tons of DDGS to-date 2023.

Since our August maintenance outage, we have been running consistent outside a few mechanical upsets. Our next major scheduled maintenance outage is next Spring 2024. Our operation team is young, 11 of our 16 operators have been with us for less than a year. Our operations team is dedicated to training-up our employees and everyone is doing a great job!

New crop corn had been coming in now for a couple weeks. Our storage bins have been swept and our grain receiving equipment has been worked on and is ready to complete the rush of harvest. We have been fortunate to not have seen issues with mycotoxins this harvest to date. Corn moisture is typically elevated during the start of harvest but usually falls within spec towards the end. We are making the necessary adjustment with our cook and fermentation recipes as we switch to a new season of corn.

Safety, Compliance along with steady state Operations through operator training and good maintenance preventative measures allows us to safely produce, load and receive all products in and out of our ethanol facility. It’s a team effort here and we continue to dedicate our efforts in providing a great place to work for our employees and provide a good return for our investors. We look to finish the year strong and hope everyone has a safe and fruitful harvest.

Thanks, and Happy Holidays!