National Sheep Summary
San Angelo, TX Wed Feb 12, 2025 USDA LPGMN
National Sheep Summary for Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Compared to last week at Sioux Falls, SD slaughter lambs had a lower
undertone and slaughter ewes were steady to 5.00 higher.
Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3:
Sioux Falls: wooled and shorn 120-165 lbs 155.00-190.00.
Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 1-2:
Sioux Falls: wooled and shorn 55 lbs 360.00; 70-80 lbs 255.00-280.00;
80-90 lbs 232.50-282.50; 90-100 lbs 210.00-285.00; 110-120
lbs 182.50-225.00. hair 90-100 lbs 215.00.
Slaughter Ewes:
Sioux Falls: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 95.00-115.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
80.00-110.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 90.00-110.00.
Feeder Lambs: Medium and Large 1-2:
Sioux Falls: 34 lbs 350.00.
Replacement Ewes: Medium and Large 1-2:
Sioux Falls: bred middle age 280.00/head; bred aged 140.00/head; bred
young hair 200.00/head.
Sheep and lamb slaughter under federal inspection for the week to date
totaled 26,000 compared to 27,000 last week and 25,000 last year.
Source: USDA LPG, San Angelo, TX
Rebecca Sauder 325-450-4265